is a paradigm that is properly carried by the Indonesian state itself. Indonesia has all kinds of tourism objects are very beautiful to be enjoyed from various circles of the world. Call it Yogyakarta, a city of culture Yogayakarta in Indonesia which has a long history to make a variety of national cultural heritage in a rapidly developing as dance, singing, and so on. So, not one that we call our nature as the Indonesia Java International Destination
Indonesia was not presentable one eye by foreign tourists who only saw Bali as the only beautiful tourist attraction in Indonesia. In various other parts of Indonesia are still a lot of objects stored actual wisat my opinion and according to all of you I'm sure more beautiful than Bali. There are many tourist attractions such as the beach of Pangandaran, Parang Tritis, or Carita Beach.
As the people of Indonesia itself, it is not possible we do not know the objects of tourism in our own country. Many of us I am sure belom feel this indigenous natural beauty untouched by the pollution which is now a hot conversation leaders belom nation recently has conducted the National Summit in 2009.
Starting today, we'd better just to participate in campaigning for our country to become the Indonesia Java International Destination
Indonesia was not presentable one eye by foreign tourists who only saw Bali as the only beautiful tourist attraction in Indonesia. In various other parts of Indonesia are still a lot of objects stored actual wisat my opinion and according to all of you I'm sure more beautiful than Bali. There are many tourist attractions such as the beach of Pangandaran, Parang Tritis, or Carita Beach.
As the people of Indonesia itself, it is not possible we do not know the objects of tourism in our own country. Many of us I am sure belom feel this indigenous natural beauty untouched by the pollution which is now a hot conversation leaders belom nation recently has conducted the National Summit in 2009.
Starting today, we'd better just to participate in campaigning for our country to become the Indonesia Java International Destination
nice post, good information, i hope u comment me..
BalasHapusmana gugle translatenya nih...???
BalasHapuswow, nice info sob, n if u have new article, i hope u can give me information . . .
BalasHapuswaoh....i don't speeak english...oh no...heheheh..mantap mbak
BalasHapusIndonesian soil spilled my blood, lived boleved indonesia.
BalasHapusInformation is a very good friend. thank you..
maju terus sob pantang mundur
BalasHapusNice aArticel deh bro, salam knal, ditunggu komentar baliknya ya
BalasHapusI love Indonesia dude.... don't be afraid to say Ilove Indonesia even if even if U Know exactly what I Guess right.....
BalasHapusMoga menang ya. Semangat n maju terus.
BalasHapussukses selalu sob.........
BalasHapusBagus infonya, terus semangat ngeblog
BalasHapusaku mau ngisi buku tamu tapi ga ada :(
BalasHapusada kok dibawa @Indonesian